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Gross Negligence

An Explanation of Punitive Damages

In 2005, only 12% of people sought punitive damages in civil trials. When the plaintiffs won their cases, punitive damages were only awarded in 5% of the cases. This demonstrates how hard it is for people to obtain punitive damages in cou...

How to Handle a Hit-and-Run Accident

Although fleeing the scene of an accident is a crime that can cause a driver to be charged with a felony if someone is injured or dies, many people continue to do it. There are a variety of reasons why a driver would flee: a lack of insur...

Understanding Modified Comparative Negligence Laws

In the United States, over 37,000 people die each year in car accidents, and hundreds of thousands more are injured in such incidents. However, multiple parties in a crash could be at fault for its occurrence. In New Jersey, a comparative n...

State Supreme Court Sends Gross Negligence Case Back to Trial

A personal injury lawsuit against popular Berlin water park Sahara Sam’s Oasis has been reinstated by the New Jersey Supreme Court. In a unanimous decision, the state’s top court overturned lower court rulings that concluded that the pa...

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New Brunswick, NJ 08901


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Somerville, NJ 08876


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Manalapan, New Jersey 07726

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