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Slip and Fall Injury

Jay Mascolo Settles Slip and Fall Case for $450,000

RAM Law Partner Jay Mascolo settles slip and fall case for $450,000. The RAM Law client slipped and fell on a patch of black ice that had formed overnight in the parking area of a condominium complex.  The client sustained an ankle frac...

What Happens If You Slip and Fall on Ice and Are Injured?

by Jay Mascolo, Esq. What to Do After a Slip and Fall on Ice New Jersey is known for freezing cold winters with snow and ice. As a result, it's important for property owners to keep the areas surrounding their buildings prop...

What Do You Need to Know About Slips and Falls on Ice?

Slips and Falls on Ice: Do You Have a Claim? Every year, approximately 1 million people in the U.S. become injured from a slip and fall on ice and snow. You should know what to do in this situation, ideally before it happens, so that yo...

The Elements of Negligence in a Personal Injury Case

by Rachel Holt, Esq. How to Prove That Someone Else's Actions Caused Your Injuries Each year, Americans incur $34 billion in medical bills and other damages related to slip-and-fall accidents. Although you may be entitled to reimburs...

RAM Law Partner, Jay Mascolo, Obtains $336,952 Jury Trial Verdict

RAM Law Partner, Jay Mascolo, obtains a $336,952 jury trial verdict in Middlesex County Courthouse for a man injured slipping on black ice. The client sustained injuries to his neck, back and shoulder after he slipped on black ice while ...

Craig Aronow obtained $450,000 for Client Injured Due to Slip and Fall Negligence

RAM Law partner, Craig Aronow, obtained $450,000 for a client who was injured due to the negligence of a property owner, property management company and snow removal contractor. The contractor acknowledged that they did not put ice melt do...

How to Avoid Slipping in a Grocery Store

Roughly a third of the adults in the United States who are 65 years old and above will fall in a given year while outside of their homes. However, anyone could be at risk of slipping or falling while at the grocery store. There are some ste...

Can I Sue for A Slip and Fall Injury in A Train Station?

Knowing who could potentially be held liable in a personal injury or premises liability claim is something that needs to be accomplished with the help of an experienced personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. You may be eligible to purs...

Snow and Ice: Not Always Nice at a Condominium or Apartment Complex

In New Jersey, living with snow and ice during the winter comes with the territory. While snow provides the occasional "snow day" for our children, it also affects our ability to run errands, get to work or even go to the mailbox. If not pr...

I Slipped, Fell and Got Hurt. What now?

Well...the first thing to do is make sure you get the proper medical attention if you are truly hurt.  Taking care of yourself or loved one after they slip and fall is critical. If you have recently been hurt in a serious slip and fall ...

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To schedule a confidential consultation, contact us online or call our offices, in New Brunswick at (732) 247-3600, in Somerville at (908) 448-2560, or in Manalapan at (732) 828-2234.

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New Brunswick

111 Livingston Avenue
New Brunswick, NJ 08901


21 North Bridge Street
Somerville, NJ 08876


348 Route 9, Suite E
Manalapan, New Jersey 07726

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