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What to Do If a Family Member Hit Me with a Car?

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Being involved in any type of car accident is unnerving and can lead to questions about how to pursue compensation. The situation gets even trickier, however, when you were hit by a family member. The aftermath of any automobile accident may prompt you to get medical attention for your injuries and to identify the diagnosis and how it may affect your life. What to do if a family member hit me with a car? Contact a car accident attorney.

Do I Have to File a Lawsuit if a Family Member Hit Me?

If someone in your home hits your property or you with a vehicle, you may have questions about what happens and how you should proceed with a personal injury claim. Accidents happen, even in families that have solid drivers. Assuming that you have coverage for the household automobiles, insurance after an accident like this may cover property damages as well as liability.

Will Insurance Cover Your Injuries?

Property damage under an insurance policy would cover damage to the property that is owned by another person, that is ultimately harmed by an insured vehicle. Liability policies however, ensure that a person who suffers injuries inside an insured automobile is covered when a vehicle insured under the policy strikes a person. In a family situation, either one or both of these claims may arise.

What is No Fault Insurance?

It is important to understand how no-fault insurance can also influence these claims in New Jersey. The concept of no fault insurance outlines that the person who is responsible for an accident is not the one from whom compensation is pursued or claims are brought forward.
Each individual who purchases automobile insurance can obtain personal injury protection coverage that will pay for particular costs in the event of an accident, regardless of who is determined to be at fault. PIP coverage usually covers medical treatments and expenses as well as lost wages and incidental rehabilitative expenses.

Who is Covered Under an Insurance Policy?

Household members and the insured may be covered by PIP protection up to the limit of the policy. PIP coverage would immediately come into play if another family member on your policy hit you. Additional coverage options may be presented after sitting down with an experienced personal injury attorney that could help to reduce the cost of PIP. Extended PIP coverage opportunities may be available if you have paid the extra fees to have this on your policy.

New Jersey policy holders can also choose whether or not they have an unlimited or a limited right to sue. There are different levels of recoverability associated with these types of accidents. If you have been involved in an accident with a family member, do not give up and choose not to move forward at all as this could be your only opportunity to recover full and fair compensation for your injuries. Although it is certainly a unique situation to pursue an accident claim against a family member who hit you, whether it was on your property or somewhere else, you need to have a lawyer on your side from the moment that you get struck just to ensure that you have pursued all of the necessary compensation opportunities as soon as possible.

Taking quick action is required for anyone who was hurt in a New Jersey accident and waiting too long could bar you from ever being able to pursue the compensation that you need to put the pieces of your life back together. Whether you were hit by a family member or a total stranger across the roads of New Jersey, taking action immediately is in your best interests.

Contact Us at 866-RAM LAW1

If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident, even if a friend or family member hit you, our car accident attorneys can help protect your rights and possibly get fair and just compensation for the physical and mental injuries you may have suffered as a result. For a free initial consultation, contact us by e-mail or call our offices, in New Brunswick at 732-247-3600 or in Somerville at 908-448-2560.

Contact Our Office

To schedule a confidential consultation, contact us online or call our offices, in New Brunswick at (732) 247-3600, in Somerville at (908) 448-2560, or in Manalapan at (732) 828-2234.

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