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What if I have to pay for household help after a car accident?
Home » Blog » Accidents » What if I have to pay for household help after a car accident?
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In a typical auto accident there are two primary types of damages that an accident victim may be entitled to recover: non-economic and economic damages. “Economic damages” are those damages that compensate a victim for the financial impact that an accident has on their life. You may need household help after a car accident.
Economic damages include items such as lost wages, out-of-pocket medical expenses and expenses paid to others to perform duties that an accident victim performed themselves before the accident. Household help expenses may be recovered, primarily, in two different ways. In the first instance, some auto insurance policies provide benefits for household expenses an insured incurs due to their inability to perform those tasks, i.e. cleaning, yard work, snow removal, etc. Those benefits are usually limited to a set amount per day under the PIP (personal injury protection) portion of your policy. If the policy does not cover all of the incurred expenses, the victim may pursue the person that caused the accident for the unrecovered portion of the loss. Additionally, if the victim does not have PIP coverage for such expenses, they may pursue recovery against the persona that caused the accident.
If you were injured in a car accident and have questions about household expenses or your injuries and rights, please call us for a free consultation at 732-247-3600.
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If you have been injured in an accident, we can help. For a free initial consultation with a car accident attorney, contact us by e-mail or call our offices, in New Brunswick at 732-247-3600 or in Somerville at 908-448-2560.