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Truck Accident at Global Container Terminal Leaves One Dead

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The Global Container Terminal in Bayonne was shut down on Thursday, April 21, after the death of a 53-year-old Brooklyn man. A second person was taken to Jersey City Medical Center with broken bones and pelvic trauma, but was not considered to have any life-threatening injuries.

According to Port Authority officials, the accident occurred just before 11 am. Witnesses say that there was a two-to-three-hour backup as cabs waited to pick up containers using the Port’s automated container-handling system. Initial reports suggest that the two men were standing near the long line of cabs when the line started to move forward. Apparently, the men were in the path of another truck. The injured man was able to move out of the path of the truck’s wheels, but the other man, a truck driver, could not take evasive action and fell under the chassis of the truck. Both men were thrown to the ground

Port officials say that the truck that struck the two men was being operated by a independent contractor, who was hauling for West End Express, a company headquartered in Dayton, New Jersey. Officials at West End Express said that, though it was unclear exactly what happened, the two men were not supposed to be in the path of the big rig.

According to Port authorities, an investigation is under way, and no summonses have been issued. The terminal was immediately closed and remained closed for the rest of the day.

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