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Medical emergency causes fatal head-on collision in Sparta

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Experienced TruckAccident Attorneys

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According to New Jersey law, it is not negligent to lose control of an automobile as a result of the sudden onset of a medical emergency such as a heart attack. However, a lawsuit for negligence might still apply if the driver knows of a medical condition that could result in such an emergency and drives anyway. The medical background, treatment and general awareness of the driver will oftentimes determine whether a lawsuit will succeed.

Read more about the fatal Bergen County Car Accident –

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To schedule a confidential consultation, contact us online or call our offices, in New Brunswick at (732) 247-3600, in Somerville at (908) 448-2560, or in Manalapan at (732) 828-2234.

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111 Livingston Avenue
New Brunswick, NJ 08901


21 North Bridge Street
Somerville, NJ 08876


348 Route 9, Suite E
Manalapan, New Jersey 07726

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