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Workers’ Compensation for Volunteer Firefighters and EMTs
Home » Blog » Work Injuries » Workers’ Compensation for Volunteer Firefighters and EMTs
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While many volunteers may not be entitled to New Jersey Workers’ Compensation benefits because the law does not provide compensation benefits to volunteers performing work without receiving financial benefit, there are special provisions in the law that provide workers’ compensation coverage for certain public officials who are not paid for their services. Volunteer Firefighter and Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) are one of the categories of volunteers covered by New Jersey Workers’ Compensation law. Contact a personal injury attorney to learn more about workers’ compensation for volunteer firefighters and EMTs.
In order to qualify for New Jersey Workers’ Compensation benefits, the volunteer firefighter or EMT must sustain personal injuries while “in the line of duty” and “doing public duty” pursuant to New Jersey statutory law. This broad language affords the volunteers workers’ compensation benefits for injuries sustained in many different contexts. So long as the volunteer is injured in furtherance of their volunteer duties, it is highly probable they are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits including medical treatment, temporary disability benefits along with a permanency award for any permanent function loss arising for the volunteer-related injury.
The law further provides that the injured volunteer is entitled to the maximum weekly statutory wage for the year the injury was sustained. This is very important because it insures the injured volunteer will be protected in the event he or she loses time from their regular job due to an injury sustained while providing critical services for the communities they serve. It is the least the law can do for the brave and caring men and women who put themselves at risk for the sake of others.
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If you or a fellow firefighter or EMT has been injured in tjhe “in the line of duty” and “doing public duty” anywhere in New Jersey, call a personal injury lawyer so we can help insure you get the benefits you deserve and get the medical attention you need. Contact us by e-mail or call our offices to schedule a free consultation. New Brunswick at 732-247-3600 or in Somerville at 908-448-2560.