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Tyler Hall Obtains $1,350,000 Settlement for Client Struck by Truck with Defective Brakes

Millions Wonfor our clients

Experienced TruckAccident Attorneys

Board CertifiedAttorneys

You OnlyPay us if we win

The RAM Law client was driving on Route 80 in Morris County, New Jersey in the early morning hours. Earlier in the night, the police closed the two lanes left due to a prior accident. As the client approached the accident scene, he was in the process of slowing down when the defendant’s truck failed to stop, causing a severe collision. The collision threw the client’s car off the road. The truck overturned and struck other vehicles.

RAM Law’s investigation revealed the truck’s brakes were defective. Also, the trucking company had a history of brake issues with their trucks.

The client injured his neck and low back requiring surgery. A year before the truck crash, the client injured his neck and low back in a prior accident. The truck crash aggravated those injuries.

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To schedule a confidential consultation, contact us online or call our offices, in New Brunswick at (732) 247-3600, in Somerville at (908) 448-2560, or in Manalapan at (732) 828-2234.

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New Brunswick

111 Livingston Avenue
New Brunswick, NJ 08901


21 North Bridge Street
Somerville, NJ 08876


348 Route 9, Suite E
Manalapan, New Jersey 07726

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