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Can a Seat Belt Cause Additional Injuries During a Car Crash?

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Can a Seat Belt Cause Additional Injuries During a Car Crash?

It is a well-documented fact that seat belts save lives. However, in the process, you may suffer an injury from the seat belt itself that can be debilitating and painful. These injuries can be severe but should not deter you from buckling up. If you have been hurt in an accident and the seat belt has caused your injuries, you could be entitled to significant financial compensation. The first step is to contact an experienced car accident lawyer to represent you in the legal process.

A seat belt is designed to hold your body in place during an accident. It is a strap that goes around your shoulder, connected to a buckle. In a car accident, the seat belt applies its counterforce to keep your body from lurching forward and striking harder parts of the car. Without the seat belt, the forces involved in the accident could cause you to be thrown through the windshield or strike the hard dashboard, potentially leading to more severe injuries. So, while a seat belt can cause injuries, it is a crucial safety device to prevent more severe harm.

Common Injuries That Are Caused by Seat Belts

However, the seat belt itself can also cause injuries. Numerous seat belt parts can tear into and injure parts of your body. One of the most common causes of seat belt injuries is the buckle itself. When your body lurches out of place, the buckle can dig into your body. The hard part of the seat belt has been known to cause internal injuries, such as bleeding and organ damage.

In addition, the upper part of the seat belt can cause injuries to your breastbone and shoulder. There is even a possibility that you can suffer an internal injury, such as a punctured or collapsed lung. Seat belt syndrome can cause abrasions on the chest and abdomen because your body can be propelled forward into the seat belt while it is applying its rotational force on you.

Many seat belt injuries are not often apparent at the time of the accident. You may notice bruising on your skin, which could signify a more serious injury. Bruising may mean you are dealing with internal injuries that can worsen without treatment. If you notice any skin discoloration or you are feeling discomfort from the area that was impacted by the seat belt, it is essential that you seek immediate medical attention because you do not know what injuries you are facing.

You Can Still Be Compensated for Seat Belt Injuries

In most cases, the insurance company cannot turn around and blame the seat belt for your injuries. Their driver put you in a dangerous situation in the first place through their negligence. You can be paid compensation for anything in the car that has injured you when you have been involved in a car accident after a driver’s negligence. Your seat belt-related injuries are part of your car accident compensation.

However, there is a chance that you may be able to seek compensation from the manufacturer of the car or the seat belt when it was the cause of your injuries. If you were hurt because of defective seat belt design, you may be able to file a product liability lawsuit against any company that was involved in the stream of commerce. While product liability lawsuits are difficult, they can also result in substantial compensation because of the money available to pay for your injuries.

Contact a New Brunswick Car Accident Lawyer at Rebenack Aronow & Mascolo L.L.P.

If you have suffered any type of injury in a car crash, a New Brunswick car accident lawyer at Rebenack Aronow & Mascolo L.L.P. can put you in a legal position to fight and win. You can schedule a free initial consultation with one of our attorneys by calling us today at 732-247-3600 or contacting us online. Our offices are in New Brunswick, Somerville, and Freehold, New Jersey, and we work with clients in Middlesex County, Monmouth County, and Somerset County.

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To schedule a confidential consultation, contact us online or call our offices, in New Brunswick at (732) 247-3600, in Somerville at (908) 448-2560, or in Manalapan at (732) 828-2234.

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