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Rebenack Inducted Into Hillsborough Rotary Club

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On June 23, 2010, the Hillsborough Rotary Club inducted Ed Rebenack as the newest member of its chapter.

On February 23, 1905 Paul Harris, a young Chicago lawyer, met with three friends to discuss an idea he had been developing. The idea was that businessmen should get together periodically in the spirit of camaraderie to enjoy each others company and enlarge their circle of business and professional acquaintances.

Out of that discussion came the idea of a club whose membership would be limited to one representative from each business and profession. Weekly meetings were to be held at each member’s place of business in turn. The rotation of meetings was designed to acquaint members with one another’s vocation and to promote business.

Word of the new organization spread rapidly. Soon, membership increased to the point at which it was no longer practical to meet at a member’s place of business. Thus began the practice of holding weekly meetings at restaurants and hotels.

Very early in the Rotary movement it was decided that business was to be regarded as a means to serve society. The creed, or motto, “He Profits Most Who Serves His Fellows Best” was adopted but was soon modified to that of, “Service Above Self.” The suggested change was quickly embraced by Rotarians worldwide hence Rotarians throughout the world remain dedicated to serving their community, their nation and the world.

As the Rotary organization, spawned in Chicago in 1905, approaches it’s one hundredth birthday it can boast of having more than 20,000 clubs comprised of almost 1,000,000 men and women worldwide.

One such club is the Rotary Club of Hillsborough which was founded in 1955, just 50 years after the inception of Rotary. The Rotary Club of Hillsborough continues to serve the community, county, and world by providing support for such programs as scholarships, the Special Olympics, Midland school, the Memorial Day community Picnic, and emergency and disaster relief.

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