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Jay Mascolo Wins Another Historic Jury Trial Verdict in Child Victims Act case: $750,000 against Salem County

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On March 21, 2024 a jury of 7 returned a verdict in Salem County finding that the Defendant, Salem County, was negligent for childhood sexual abuse that occurred to the Plaintiff, Dennis Bachman, and awarded the Plaintiff $750,000.  It is the third reported jury trial verdict under the 2019 Child Victims Act in the State of New Jersey.  All 3 have been tried and won by RAM Law.

In 1993, the Plaintiff was 14 years old and removed from an abusive adoptive home and placed in a shelter home managed by the Salem County Juveniles In Need of Shelter (JINS) system.  For a year while in the shelter, he was sexually abused by a 44 year female aide worker in the shelter.  The abuse involved dozens of encounters through the year in numerous places.  Evidence was produced at trial that Salem County knew or should have known of the ongoing abuse and failed to implement and follow appropriate policies and procedures.  Jay called expert witnesses in child safety and child psychology to testify at trial.  The verdict comes one week after RAM Law partner, Matt Bonanno, won a historic $25 million verdict against the State of New Jersey for a victim of child sexual abuse.

This story has also been featured in several news outlets, including:

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