Edward Rebenack Obtains $462,000 for Woman Struck in Crosswalk
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Rebenack Obtains $462,000 for Woman Struck in Crosswalk
RAM Law Partner, Ed Rebenack, recently obtained $462,000 for a woman struck by a car while walking in a crosswalk. The driver of the vehicle insured his car with an insurance policy limited to $25,000. However, the RAM Law client was able to claim underinsured motorist benefits (UIM) from her relative’s auto insurance policy. For years prior to the incident, the RAM Law client spent significant time at her relative’s home. As a result, she was considered a “dual resident” for purposes of UIM coverage even though she lived independently from her relative. The relative’s policy provided significantly higher coverage limits. The driver’s insurance company offered their $25,000 policy limit soon after the incident. The relative’s insurance company agreed to pay an additional $437,000 after two years of litigation.
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