Highways/Toll Road/Interstate Truck Accidents

Big truck accidents on a highway have deadly results. Whether you’re in a truck accident on a toll road, you’re involved in an expressway accident in NJ or you just hit debris on a highway, you need to get immediate medical care for any injuries. Then consider finding a trucking accident attorney, like the experts at RAM Law. When there’s a truck accident on the Garden State Freeway, the NJ Turnpike or the Atlantic City Expressway, the trucking companies put their lawyers in motion. Protect your rights and get a fair settlement for all your losses by calling the best accident lawyers in New Jersey at RAM Law. Don’t rely on your insurance company.

What Happens in a Truck Accident on a Highway, Toll Road or Interstate?

Highways, toll roads and interstates are multi-lane, high-speed roads intended for quick, efficient travel between cities or just around cities. Commercial trucks comprise an important part of the transportation sector in New Jersey, used to move cargo from place to place. The New Jersey Turnpike, Garden State Parkway, and Atlantic City Expressway are common routes for:

Big truck accidents on a highway have the potential to cause more severe damage than accidents between passenger vehicles. A Garden State Parkway truck accident or a truck accident on the New Jersey Turnpike is dangerous to everyone involved due to the size of these vehicles. A highway truck accident can demolish other vehicles in a crash, resulting in devastating injuries, including:

If you’ve been involved in an accident on a toll road or an expressway truck accident in NJ, take care of your medical needs first, then find an experienced trucking accident attorney like those at RAM Law. You need help to get the compensation you deserve, since the settlement process is too complex to do it yourself. Contact RAM Law for advice, guidance and representation.

Highways, Toll Road, Interstate Truck Accidents

What Causes Freeway Truck Accidents?

Highway truck accidents are caused by a variety of errors and elements, including drivers who haven’t received adequate training, which is often a result of trucking company negligence. But there are many other causes of a truck accident on a highway, such as:

  • Speeding. The pressure to meet delivery deadlines may encourage truck drivers to drive recklessly and at high speeds.
  • Distractions. A truck driver who’s distracted, even momentarily, increases the likelihood of an accident. Cell phones, GPS units, food, drink and conversations can all distract a driver from the road.
  • Poorly loaded cargo. During transit, improperly loaded or secured cargo may shift, making a truck unstable and increasing the risk of a rollover accident
  • Improper maintenance. A truck with worn brakes may not be able to stop in time to avoid an accident, or a defective tire may roll off, forcing accidents when cars hit debris on a highway.
  • Recklessness. Truck drivers who drive recklessly weave in and out of traffic or blow through stop signs or red lights.
  • Bad weather. Heavy rain, fog and snow limits the driver’s visibility and makes it challenging to stop. High winds can make a truck unstable or difficult to control.

When a truck accident on the New Jersey Turnpike or a Garden State Parkway truck accident happens, the resulting damage may involve more vehicles. On these major highways, including the Atlantic City Motorway, rear-end collisions and jackknife accidents occur most often.

How Can a Truck Accident Lawyer Help Me?

An accident on a toll road, highway or interstate usually leaves many drivers and passengers hurt. If you’re injured, you need to get medical attention right away. Then find a trucking accident lawyer experienced to safeguard your legal rights and navigate the complicated legal process. A RAM Law lawyer investigates the accident, determines liability, evaluates damages, negotiates with the insurance companies and presents you in court.

If you’re involved in any big truck accidents on a highway, you’re going to have your hands full just dealing with your recovery. A lawyer from RAM Law handles your accident claim to make sure you’re fairly compensated for your damages. Whether you’ve hit debris on a highway or been in a freeway truck accident, you’re best served with an experienced attorney in your corner.

Due to their size and weight, truck accidents are much worse than regular accidents. They cause more damage and injuries. Protect yourself and receive sufficient compensation for your losses by contacting the truck accident lawyers at RAM Law in New Jersey. They represent victims of a truck accident on a toll road or a truck accident on the New Jersey Turnpike, the Garden State Parkway or the Expressway.

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To schedule a confidential consultation, contact us online or call our offices, in New Brunswick at (732) 247-3600, in Somerville at (908) 448-2560, or in Freehold at (732) 828-2234.

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