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Drowsy Driving Truck Accidents

Drowsy Driving Truck Accidents

Drowsy truck driving is the act of operating a commercial truck or a bus while feeling tired or fatigued. Accidents involving semi-trucks, tractor trailers, and 18-wheelers are double trouble due to their sheer size and weight. Thousands of serious injuries and even wrongful deaths may be caused by truck accidents like these. Drowsy driving in trucks can appear in several forms, including:

  • Difficulty maintaining a consistent speed
  • Drifting between lanes
  • Slowed reaction times for changes in traffic or road conditions
  • Inability to concentrate, missing signs or road markings

Drowsy truck drivers have a worse overall driving performance, slower reaction times and difficulty making decisions. These factors increase the risk of an accident, especially when traveling at high speeds or in difficult driving conditions. Truck drivers who aren’t fully awake create a safety risk for other drivers, passengers and pedestrians. Accidents involving drowsy truck drivers are more likely to occur at night, but they can occur on any type of road, such as:

If you’re involved in what you think was a drowsy driving truck accident, contact an experienced truck accident lawyer as soon as possible. RAM Law in New Jersey has helped the victims of drowsy driving truck accidents get compensated fairly for their injuries and damages. Don’t rely on your insurance company; find an attorney with direct experience for just compensation.

Why Do Drowsy Driving Truck Accidents Happen?

Truck accidents caused by drowsy driving occur for a variety of factors. In many cases, a drowsy trucking accident can be traced to truck driver negligence. Perhaps the truck driver hasn’t gotten enough sleep, or maybe the driver’s been on the road for a long time without sufficient breaks. Other factors that share the blame equally include:

  • Fatigue. Drivers frequently have demanding schedules and spend extended periods of time on the road. When a driver becomes too tired to concentrate on the road, they risk falling asleep behind the wheel, losing control of the truck or failing to respond in time to avoid an accident.
  • Sleep disorders. Some truck drivers may suffer from sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea or insomnia, making it difficult to get good sleep and increasing the risk of drowsy driving mishaps.
  • Medications. Certain medications can make a driver drowsy and impair their ability to concentrate on the road, raising the risk of an accident.
  • Long drives. Long, monotonous expanses of the open road can make truck drivers drowsy or fatigued, increasing the risk of falling unconscious at the wheel.
  • Delivery deadlines. Truck drivers may feel pressured to make tight delivery deadlines in some cases, resulting in longer hours on the road, pointing towards trucking company negligence.

In some accidents, a truck driver’s employer may be held liable for the driver’s fatigue if the employer fails to take appropriate preventative measures. Commercial truck driver’s employers have a legal obligation to ensure that their drivers are adequately rested and alert while on the job. But establishing liability in a drowsy driving accident can be difficult and may necessitate an investigation into the events preceding the accident, but some potentially liable parties may include:

  • The truck driver
  • The trucking company
  • The truck manufacturer
  • Other parties, such as a third party responsible for truck maintenance and repair

Why Do I Need a Truck Accident Attorney?

If you were involved in a trucking accident caused by drowsy driving in New Jersey, seek the services of an experienced truck accident lawyer like those at RAM Law. Drowsy driving truck crashes can cause a variety of injuries, such as:

You can’t get what’s coming to you if you don’t know where to start. Hiring a drowsy driving truck accident lawyer safeguards your legal rights and obtains compensation for any of the injuries or damages you have experienced in the accident.

What Can a Drowsy Driving Truck Accident Lawyer Do for Me?

Your truck accident lawyer knows exactly what to do to settle your claim. Your attorney navigates the complex legal process, looking at all the minor details of the case. Hire a drowsy driving truck accident attorney for their:

  • Investigation resources. A truck accident lawyer has the means to conduct a comprehensive investigation, creating a compelling argument by working with specialists, gathering evidence and speaking with witnesses.
  • Knowledge. Truck accidents are often more complex than car accidents because multiple parties are involved. Your truck accident lawyer has the experience to handle these complex cases.
  • Negotiation skills. Your attorney bargains with your insurance provider and other parties for a just settlement for you.
  • Court litigation experience. A drowsy driving truck accident lawyer defends you in court and advocates on your behalf if required, ensuring that your legal rights are protected.
  • Support and guidance. A truck accident can be an emotionally draining experience, so having a qualified attorney on your side gives you peace of mind throughout the process.

If you suffered injuries from a drowsy truck driver accident as a result of the truck driver’s negligence, you may be eligible for compensation for your injuries and damages. But it’s difficult to manage everything by yourself. It’s strongly advised that you consult with a drowsy driving truck accident lawyer. Your RAM Law attorney reviews all the details of your truck accident to prove that drowsy behavior caused the accident. Evidence in the case may involve:

  • Witnesses. Eyewitnesses to the accident may be able to testify that the driver acted or looked drowsy, weaving or nodding off behind the wheel.
  • Driver’s logbook. Truck drivers are obliged to maintain a logbook in which they record their hours of service, breaks and rest periods. If the logbook indicates that the driver was on the road for an unusually long period, it may be proof that they were driving while fatigued.
  • Police report. The police report may include details about the accident that indicate the driver was tired, such as the time of day, the amount of time the driver had been on the road or other factors that could have contributed to fatigue.
  • Expert testimony. An expert witness may be able to testify about the effects of drowsy driving and how it can impair a driver’s ability to operate a vehicle securely.
  • Electronic logging device (ELD). Many commercial trucks are outfitted with ELDs, which record data about the truck’s behavior, such as how long it’s been driven and when the driver took breaks. This data can be used to determine whether the driver followed New Jersey’s rules regarding driving time and rest periods.

What Should I Do after a Drowsy Driving Truck Accident?

Being in an accident with a truck may result in damages, injuries, recovery time, lost productivity and court time. While your impulse may tell you to confront the driver, stay calm and stay safe. The steps to take immediately after your accident include:

  1. Call the police. Report the accident immediately. Give the police accurate and comprehensive information about what happened.
  2. Don’t admit fault. Avoid admitting fault or apologizing for the accident, as this may be used against you in the future.
  3. Get medical attention. If you or anyone else involved in the collision may be hurt, don’t delay medical care.
  4. Exchange information. Get the truck driver’s contact and insurance details. Get witness information whenever possible.
  5. Document the scene. Take pictures and video of the accident scene, damage and any injuries, if you’re able.
  6. Contact a truck accident lawyer. You need legal assistance with your truck accident settlement. Call RAM Law.
  7. Keep records. Keep track of all medical bills, receipts and other documentation related to the accident.

Every state has set its own regulations about the time truck drivers can spend on the road in an attempt to prevent devastating drowsy driving truck accidents. In New Jersey, truck drivers can drive a maximum of 11 hours per day after taking 10 consecutive hours off duty. They can work a maximum of 14 hours per day, including driving time and non-driving work like loading and unloading.

Truck Accident Lawyers at Rebenack, Aronow & Mascolo, L.L.P. Help Injured Clients Recover Compensation

The effects of an accident can linger long after the crash, especially if you suffer serious injuries. If a negligent driver has injured you, work with Rebenack, Aronow & Mascolo, L.L.P. Our skilled truck accident lawyers will help you put your life back on course. To schedule a free consultation, call us today at 732-247-3600 or complete our online form. Located in New Brunswick, Somerville, and Freehold, New Jersey, we serve clients in Middlesex County, Monmouth County, and Somerset County.

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