Ed Rebenack Obtains $735,000 Settlement for Truck Crash Litigation
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RAM Law Partner, Ed Rebenack, settles truck crash litigation for $735,000. The RAM Law client was a passenger in a vehicle traveling on Route 440 in Middlesex County. A box truck carrying refrigerated food items struck the client’s vehicle from behind claiming that the car cut in front of him and hit the brakes. The crash aggravated neck and back injuries the RAM Law client suffered in a prior car crash. He eventually had minimally invasive surgery to his lower back.
Upon investigation, it was determined that the truck driver had a long history of motor vehicle violations and crashes. It was further determined that the wholesale food company violated Federal and state regulations when hiring the driver. The Court determined that the trial would include a claim for the RAM Law client’s injuries and a claim for punitive damages meant to punish the defendant company. To avoid the risk of a trial, the insurance carrier for the company agreed to settle the RAM Law client’s claims for $735,000.