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New Jersey Four File Vape Injury Lawsuits

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The e-cigarette industry has exploded—both figuratively and literally—over the last few years. Industry experts say the alternative smoking technology is fueling a $10 billion a year business. They also acknowledge that the number of serious injuries suffered by vapers continues to rise as sales increase. That includes at least four residents of New Jersey who filed vape injury lawsuits.

  • A man in Berlin, New Jersey, sustained 3rd degree burns when an electronic cigarette exploded in his pants pocket
  • A 16-year-old girl required plastic surgery after an e-cig exploded in her face. She lost four teeth, had temporary vision loss, and suffered permanent disfigurement to her mouth and lips
  • A Cumberland County man had shrapnel and battery acid hit his foot and leg when an e-cig battery exploded
  • A 17-year old male incurred substantial burns to his arms and chest after a vaping device exploded

All four of the above parties have filed legal action against the manufacturers, distributors and sellers of the devices that caused their injuries. According to legal counsel, the electronic cigarette industry has known for some time that the devices are dangerous, particularly that the batteries on the vaping devices have a propensity to overheat. They say their primary objective is to force the manufacturers of the product to incorporate new safety mechanisms. They note that more teenagers have said they use vaping devices than use tobacco. They also point out that most users interviewed in various studies admit they had no idea there were any dangers tied to the product.

Contact Us

If you or a loved one has been injured because of the carelessness or negligence of another person, we can help protect your rights. For a free initial consultation with an injury attorney, contact us by e-mail or call our offices, in New Brunswick at 732-247-3600 or in Somerville at 908-448-2560.

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To schedule a confidential consultation, contact us online or call our offices, in New Brunswick at (732) 247-3600, in Somerville at (908) 448-2560, or in Manalapan at (732) 828-2234.

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New Brunswick, NJ 08901


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Somerville, NJ 08876


348 Route 9, Suite E
Manalapan, New Jersey 07726

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